Gameloft gives a New Year Gift of 3 libraries to rural school in Vietnam
Just before Lunar New Year, on January 22, 2019, Gameloft donated children’s libraries to a rural school in Vietnam in coordination with The Library Project. Gameloft’s donation consisted of 392 Vietnamese language children’s books, impacting 9 teachers and 89 students.
Two boys are sharing a book about good will.
The Gameloft Library Project consisted of 3 STEM Classroom Libraries, a bookshelf for each classroom. These libraries have an emphasis on educational books about science, technology, engineering and math. The books teach children about topics such as the environment, climate challenges and pollution. Also included is a science activity “how-to” book and STEM Activity Kit, which includes material to conduct simple science experiments in the classroom. Other books focus on narrative stories that teach about diversity, kindness, bravery and gender equality. Together, The Library Project’s STEM Classroom Library holistically helps improve STEM education as well as literacy and writing skills.
After a Literacy Program conducted by TLP members, these young students explore their new libraries.
Gameloft donated 3 STEM Classroom Libraries to a rural school in Vinh Long province. The small school is only accessible by a winding, narrow dirt path. Situated near the river and surrounded by trees, the school had no additional educational materials before Gameloft’s library donation. Because of this donation, the school went from 0 additional books to 392 books.
A STEM Classroom Library has more than 100 educational books, a globe, several maps and games. In the Literacy Program, students can try telling stories to other classmates, then they will have their own quiet reading time.
Gameloft staff attended the library donation, took part in the Literacy Program and played games with the students to bring in the Year of the Pig. 89 students spanning grades 1, 2, 4 and 5 will now have direct access to high-quality educational resources. Further, 9 teachers will have direct access to these libraries, giving them the ability to use the books, STEM Activity Kits and educational toys while teaching.
To prepare the libraries, Ms. Hang and Ms. Mai from Gameloft, along with teachers and government officials, stamp all the books and help organize them for each library.
Ms. Hang and Ms. Mai from Gameloft help the students in a pig-smashing game as they race to be the first to break the pigs
Thank you, Gameloft, for your generous donation and for your continued support to improving education in rural Vietnam!
Photos by TLP.
图书馆计划是一个501(c)(3)组织,向亚洲资金不足的农村学校和孤儿院捐赠儿童图书馆。我们有四个核心项目:阅读室、STEAM教室图书馆、儿童识字袋和教师培训。 迄今为止,我们已经捐赠了3000多个图书馆,培训了3万多名教师,分发了200多万本当地语言的儿童书籍,影响了100多万儿童。我们对我们的成果和我们对衡量成果的奉献感到非常自豪。 要了解您或您的公司如何参与,请访问我们的网站。